Respectful Relationships is a DET initiative in response to the Victorian Inquiry into Family Violence. Respectful Relationships involves a whole school approach and requires the participation of students, parents, families and staff. Across Year P-6, Templeton students participate in a balanced and appropriate program focusing on the following eight topics. Each topic is directly connected to our Values and Student Profile, and integrated through teaching and learning in our Inquiry Program.
Emotional Literacy
(Empathy & Knowledgeable)
Personal StrengthsĀ
(Integrity & Confidence)
Positive CopingĀ
(Resilience & Risk Taker)
Problem Solving
(Resilience & Inquirer)
Stress Management
(Resilience & Balanced)
Help Seeking
(Respect & Communicator)
Gender and Identity
(Empathy & Principled)
Positive Gender Relationships
(Respect & Caring)
Respectful Relationships has strong links to other curriculum areas including English, Inquiry, Health and Physical Education. The aim for each student is to gain a solid understanding of what a respectful relationship looks and feels like at an appropriate level for their age group. We aim for our students to understand their rights and responsibilities, have recognition and acceptance that everyone is unique, and identify their own personal strengths. Students are also provided strategies to cope with difficult situations and awareness of available support when required.