Hugh Morton
The Compass Award is a program of discovery for young Victorians aged 10 – 13 years. The program enhances young people’s personal development, fosters positive attitudes towards learning and promotes engagement and interaction with their community.
Our mission is to positively enhance the development of young Victorian’s by engaging them in a program of self discovery and learning that enhances their opportunities and exposes them to experiences they might not have otherwise of had. With a strategic focus on disadvantaged and marginalized youth we aim to ensure that all Young Victorian’s have access to The Compass Award and it’s benefits, regardless of background or circumstance.

Our Camping program runs annually in Grade 5 and Grade 6. In Grade 5 our students visit the Phillip Island Adventure Resort for three days, participating in activities such as Giant Swing, Raft Making, Canoeing, Archery, Ponding and Circatron. In Grade 6, our students travel to The Summit in Trafalgar East for three days, exploring more challenging outdoor activities such as High Wire, The Cave, Flying Fox, Giant Swing, Laser Tag and Wombat Hole, culminating in The Monster Course on the final day.
Grade 5
Term: 4
Days: 3
Location: Phillip Island, Victoria
Distance from TPS: 116 kms
TPS attended since: 2006
Grade 6
Term: 3
Days: 3
Location: Trafalgar East, Victoria
Distance from TPS: 112 kms
TPS attended since: 2014

Mentoring Gifted Kids is an extra-curricula program specifically designed to mentor children identified as gifted, assisting them to accept and further understand themselves as gifted people.
Jess Tuttleby is the coordinator of our Gifted Insights program that runs on Wednesdays in Room 30. If you are interested in enrolling your child, contact Jess via XUNO.
Gifted: which children are gifted?
Whilst there is no universally accepted definition of giftedness, ‘outstanding potential and innate ability’ (Gagne) is a clear starting point.
A child may express this natural ability intellectually, creatively, socially and/or physically in ways noticeably different to children of the same age.
Although all gifted children have the potential to perform at a significantly higher level than their age-peers, their level of ability may be considered on a scale of mildly to extremely gifted. High to extreme levels of giftedness are rare, however about 10% of children may fall within the full range.

Jess Tuttleby

The Templeton Primary School Chess Program is an integral part of our school. Students in Grade 1 – 6 have the opportunity to participate in fully immersive Chess lessons with Wayne, our specialist Chess teacher. Our school is highly successful in district and regional Chess competitions, with our various awards visible in our trophy cabinet.

Dave Poulton
Region Champions
2002 Champions
2003 Champions
2004 Champions
2007 Champions
2010 Champions
2011 Champions
2016 Champions
2018 Champions
2019 Champions
Region Finals
2005 Runners-Up
2006 Runners-Up
2008 Runners-Up
2009 Runners-Up
2012 Runners-Up
2013 Runners-Up
2014 Runners-Up
2015 Runners-Up
2017 Runners-Up

Our Instrumental Music Program runs every Thursday in the Community Room. Students in Grade 3-6 have the opportunity to learn clarinet, saxophone, trumpet, trombone, flute and percussion in 30 minute group lessons with Taliya Blom from Musicorp. Once students have reached a discretionary level of competence, they are eligible for the Templeton Band, which has before school rehearsals and performs at assemblies and events.
If you are interested in enrolling your child in the Instrumental Music Program, please contact Pam Wood on 9801 7450, or Musicorp on 1300 858 911.

Pam Wood

Our Swimming Program is run from Prep – Grade 4 at Nunawading Aqualink in Term 1 and 4. Students participate in a 8 hour-long sessions with a qualified swimming instructor. The learn to swim program provides opportunities for children to become competent swimmers and develop life-saving survival skills in a fun, stimulating and supportive environment.
Children are graded by both their skill and physical maturity so that all children in the class are of a similar level. Individual swimming skills in our program have been broken down for ease of learning. As your child masters each skill, new skills are added.
Just Swimming Nunawading is considered one of the best swim schools in Australia. With more than 3600 children enjoying and learning in swimming lessons each week, the quality of the program is recognised throughout the country.

Josh Maroney